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JavaHMO is an excellent replacement of the TiVo Desktop Publisher software. We still have a long list of items that we want to implement in the future.

  • Games,
  • Online transactions (I want to order pizza from my TiVo),
  • Google searches,
  • Amazon top selling items,
  • Support for more audio file formats (transcoding into MP3),
  • Better library for extracting MP3 ID tags,
  • Online lookup of MP3 track data,
  • Use NOAA for weather data,
  • Driving conditions in your area,
  • Events in your area,
  • Airport status,
  • Flight status,
  • Daily comic strip,
  • Horroscopes,
  • Top box office listings,
  • DVD release dates,
  • Allergy/asthma watch,
  • If want to request a new feature for the project, you can add the request to the project's feature tracking system.


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